Hanna Mina

(1924- )

Syrian writer born in Latakia, Hanna Mina grew up in the province of Iskandarun until it came under Turkish control in 1939, when he returned to Latakia with his family. He finally settled in
Damascus in 1947 and worked for the newspaper al-inshaa, eventually becoming its chief editor.

He co-founded the Syrian Writers League and The Arab Writers Union. He published numerous novels, including al-Masabeeh al-Zurq ("Blue Candles,") al-Shera" wal-Asefa (The Sail and the Storm), Hayat Bahhar (A Sailor’s Tale) and Nihayat Rajol Shojaa (The End of a Brave Man).

Mina was awarded the 2005 Arab Writers Prize for his collective works.